The Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) administers the occupational health and safety system in Quebec.

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the Pay Equity Act, the CNESST called upon Wink Stratégies to celebrate this event and use it to raise awareness and understanding of the notion of equity at work.

Influencers strategy

In order to understand the concept of equity simply, we came up with a simple speech that influencers could pick up and interpret in order to get the message out in the most effective way to their community. We then selected and contacted relevant influencers to ask them to participate in this project. Briefing, support, follow-up of the impacts …

The campaign was a success, including:

– Danièle Henkel – more than 135,000 views on her two Facebook videos.

– Pénélope McQuade – more than 17,000 views on her Facebook video.

– Cathy Wong – a column in Le Devoir, shared on social media and mentioned in the show “Gravel le Matin”.